Rand Paul: Obama has his “boot heel on the throat of BP”

May 21, 2010 at 10:13 am | Posted in environment, journalism, Reality Bites | Leave a comment
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Rand Paul wants to know where his honeymoon period is. He seems to be under the mistaken impression that he has already won the Kentucky senate seat. The first seven minutes of Stephanopolous’ interview of Rand Paul covers his views on civil property rights, after which we learn that Rand Paul believes the federal government has a right to regulate, but enforcement is apparently a step too far.

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Watch this video to see how the jack-booted government thugs are digging their heels into BP’s throat. Katie Couric, apparently chastened by Palin’s criticism, politely ignores that the United States Coast Guard is acting as private security for BP to stop journalists from documenting oil from BP’s “accident” on a public beach in South Pass, Louisiana:

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(HuffPo) This is not the first report of such an incident. There have been other reports of camera and video equipment being confiscated or banned. In fact, Lauren Valle, a Greenpeace Volunteer, who was turned away by BP contractors when taking members of the media to the affected areas along the coast stated, “they’re trying very hard for people not to see it. We’re here to bear witness.”

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