Obama Gets Mail.

January 23, 2009 at 11:08 am | Posted in Miscellany | Leave a comment
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Garden of the White House and corner of the White House, 1921 (Frances Benjamin Johnston, photographer)

Garden of the White House and corner of the White House, 1921 (Frances Benjamin Johnston, photographer)

Items sent to the White House are often significantly delayed and can be irreparably harmed during the security screening process. Therefore, please do not send items of personal importance, such as family photographs, because items may not be returned.

For security reasons, please do not send consumable gifts — such as food, flowers, and other perishable items — to the White House. While President Obama, the First Lady, Vice President Biden, and Dr. Biden appreciate your thoughtfulness, they request that instead you look to your local community for opportunities to assist your neighbors in need.

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

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