OMG! He didn’t!

September 26, 2009 at 10:52 am | Posted in God machine, Historical, Judiciary, politics straight up | 1 Comment
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Benjamin Franklin reading draft of Declaration of Independence, John Adams seated, and Thomas Jefferson standing and holding feather pen and paper, around table.  Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, artist.  Published c.1921 (Library of Congress)

Benjamin Franklin reading draft of Declaration of Independence, John Adams seated, and Thomas Jefferson standing and holding feather pen and paper, around table. Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, artist. Published c.1921 (Library of Congress)

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia chatted with the Brooklyn-based Orthodox Jewish newspaper Hamodia this week, and reiterated his opposition to the principle of government neutrality on religion. The conservative jurist said he believes the government should prefer religion to non-religion, state neutrality on religious matters, he said, “is not an accurate representation of what Americans believe.” Scalia added, “I am not sure how Orthodox Jews feel about the Establishment Clause, but I assume they do not like driving God out of public life.”

Apparently Supreme Court Justice Scalia is not altogether in agreement with the First Amendment which reads in part:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

The war on a secular society by the Right continues.

You can read the full interview in Hamodia here.

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